Thursday, September 25, 2014

New Beginnings


I am a first year graduate student, working on my MSW. I am also 2 and a half years gluten free, LOVE working out, and am currently finding my way in a new town and at a new school. I have experimented with many different recipes over the past 2 years and things have definitely gotten easier as being gluten free has become more common. Recently I have come across an article on my Facebook NewFeed titled "Science Proves Gluten Sensitivity Isn't Real, People are Just Whiners". After reading the article, as well as the comments by people who have posted the article, I am enraged. 1. A diet choice is a personal choice, and nobody else has any grounds to comment on that decision. 2. Nobody attacks vegetarians or people who are lactose intolerant for having a sensitivity or being "whiners". 3. Why don't the people who have issues with us NCGS's (non-celiac gluten sensitivity) just shut up and appreciate the fact that there is more pizza for them to enjoy when we don't go near it??

Rant aside, I have created this blog to create an accumulation of some of my favorite things. Cooking, trying new recipes, working out, and socializing. I am a social work graduate student, juggling interning, and handling a new living situation that includes my sophomore brother, my senior boyfriend, and his sophomore sister. I often end up planning the weekly meals, grocery shopping, and cooking. I am basically a Mom-in-training. I belong to an off campus gym since I live about 25 minutes from my grad school campus. It's also tailgate season so I have been trying to find healthy(ish) gluten-free tailgate-friendly recipes that will please the picky crowd I try to entertain. A couple weeks ago I made gluten free cheesy hashbrown bacon & egg muffins...(keyword healthyISH). They were a hit! It was an early game so I made them on Friday night so that I could just warm them in the microwave, squirt some ketchup on a plate, and make it look like I had been up cooking since sunrise! 

The recipe follows:

you will need

1 bag (20 oz) frozen shredded hash browns (thawed)
2 tables spoons vegetable oil (I substituted butter)
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper
2 tbsp milk
6 eggs
3/4 c crumbled crispy bacon
1/2 c shredded cheddar cheese

Heat oven to 400 degrees F.Spray regular sized muffin tins with non-stick spray.
In a large bowl combine potatoes, vegetable oil, salt, & pepper. Divide mixture into muffin tins, pushing down to make room. 
Bake for 45 to 55 minutes or until golden brown.

In a medium bowl, beat eggs & combine milk. Stir in bacon and cheese.Press down into potatoes to make more room in the muffin tins. Spoon egg mixture into muffin tins. Leave a little bit of room in tin for muffin to expand. Cook 13-17 minutes, until golden brown and no longer runny. 

Let sit for a few minutes, then enjoy!
Like I said, I baked mine on Friday night and microwaved them. We enjoyed the leftovers all week! They are great with ketchup or sriracha. 

There is another noon game this weekend so I will have to see what kinds of recipes I can find and try this week! Stay posted for more recipes, workouts, & my adventures of being gluten free at grad school! 

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