Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Bring It On, 2015

Today is January 13, 2015 and this New Year has already been one of my favorites. I am still on a nice, long holiday break from grad school & getting to spend lots of time with my family back at home. I have had time to experiment with recipes that turned out great, like gluten-free breakfast casserole for Christmas morning, or my new-found obsession, overnight oats! I have also tried recipes that failed disastrously, like the gluten-free cauliflower pizza casserole...YUCK.  
I have also begun tracking my gluten-free recipes and workouts on Instagram, which has been a new adventure in keeping myself accountable for living a healthy life. The account is @glutenfreegradschool so give me a follow or few likes if you feel so inclined. 
I just got back from an amazing trip to New Jersey & New York, while still keeping myself accountable and working out every day! 2 days I did home workouts in the at-home gym of the house we stayed in, focusing on arms with free weights and using some of the Insanity workouts. The 3rd day my workout was a 5.6 mile walk through New York City shopping (and dragging my boyfriend the whole way)! 
I have been trying to navigate a full gym since the New Year but am doing my best to remain patient and focused. I have a few New Year's Resolutions of my own that I'd like to share. 
1. DO LESS. Relax more. - I am a busy bee. I managed to finish my first semester of grad school with straight A's, while losing close to 10 lbs, making new friends, and basically running a household. I love to be productive and get things done, but I often forget to slow down & enjoy doing nothing.
2. DO MORE YOGA. - I took a hot yoga class in the fall right when classes started and it was the most amazing thing. I want to take the time to slow down and do more yoga to better my body and mind. 
3. EAT MORE SALMON. - this one is only kind of a joke. My mom and I were laughing about New Year's Resolutions on New Year's Eve and had the revelation that if we made a very simple Resolution, we could actually stick with it. Since neither of us are big fish eaters, we realized that if we ate salmon one time in 2015, we would have kept and met our resolution! We bought salmon last week & plan to keep our resolution, unlike many unsuccessful people who make long-term, hard to reach goals. :) 

I am spending the morning drinking coffee, listening to Dave Matthews Band (my favorite!) & blogging. While this isn’t exactly doing nothing, it is relaxing for me & I am starting the morning with good vibes. I will eventually get myself together and head to the gym for either cardio or legs, but for now I am enjoying these quiet moments before the spring semester starts next week. I will leave you with my favorite recipe for the best ever overnight oats that I have enjoyed numerous times this break.
Wishing everyone a happy, healthy, safe, and relaxing 2015!!

Chocolate Peanut Butter Overnight Oats
-1/2 cup gluten free oats
-1/3 cup milk (I’ve used 1%, but my favorite was Vanilla Soy Milk)
-1/4 cup non-fat vanilla (I’ve used banana here too!) yogurt
-dash of vanilla extract
-a couple tablespoons of reduced fat peanut butter (I vary this, it depends on how much peanut butter I feel like using that night)
-a couple tablespoons of either chocolate protein powder (I use on mornings I’m lifting) or chocolate flavored Carnation Breakfast Essentials powder mix

Combine all ingredients in a container with a lid (Tupperware, Mason jar, old butter container- anything with a lid!) and stir. Place container in the refrigerator & go to sleep!! In the morning just grab a spoon & enjoy! No cooking, no heating, just wake up and your breakfast is ready! 
Ya’ll know I am not the most specific person when it comes to measurement and recipes; I really just wing it on these oats and play around with different amounts. I plan to experiment with other ingredients for overnight oats; I just can’t get over how good the chocolate and peanut butter ones are! Stay tuned for other recipes, if I can ever bring myself to branch out!

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