Saturday, January 31, 2015

We survived....GENUARY!

This past Christmas, as my brothers and I were riding with our mom to the location that we were to take our annual family Christmas card, we were discussing words that we absolutely hate to hear or use. (Disclosure: my brothers are 19 and 10 years old.) While the stereotypical hated words were mentioned, i.e. "moist" my youngest brother said in a very serious tone..."I just really hate when people say the word...GENNNNUARY." He meant the word "January" but drug the word out so that we actually thought he was going to say the word "genuine". Laughter erupted from the backseat of the car and we have been talking about how much we loathe GENUARY all month. Exciting news...WE'VE ALMOST SURVIVED THE DREADED GENUARY. 

Things are finally settling into a routine, internship, gym, gym, school, gym, school, internship, and finally my beloved lazy Fridays. Fridays I usually go to the gym (big surprise there!) and then spend the rest of the day on the couch with Netflix and whipping up things in the kitchen. Last night, I had to fight my brother for the kitchen while he made his own version of fried rice (and left me with the dishes) but i made some great cookies to eat while watching way too many episodes of SNL on Netflix! They were mostly healthy and gluten-free! 

I mixed 1 super ripe banana, some oats, about a tablespoon of peanut butter, and a handful of chocolate chips together. I placed them in small goops/balls on a baking sheet and baked them at 350 for about 10 minutes. They were DELICIOUS. Washed them down with some vanilla soymilk & I was one happy girl. 

These cookies were the perfect comfort food to help me survive the last few days of Genuary. I am looking forward to fresh starts in February with the new month! Keep up the good work, yall! xoxo

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